LWOW PopUps are interactive community and skills building events designed to help introduce LWOW to newcomers and provide refreshers to those who have participated in LWOW before. Hosted at various places around the world, these PopUps vary in content and form, however, each PopUp includes an interactive exercise related to teaming or creative, collaborative problem solving that attendees can later utilize in their own teaming efforts at the organizations in which they work. The first LWOW PopUp #1 took place on Thursday, 23 January 2020 (@ Pinsent Masons London Offices) and was a great success in community building and learning! Since then, annual LWOW PopUps have been hosted by Dentons, Simmons & Simmons and iManage.

LWOW Popups in 2024:

Please contact anita@lwow.org if interested in hosting a PopUp in Fall 2024.


PopUps are a great opportunity to build brand recognition as a leader in innovation and to share innovation success stories among the LWOW Community. They are also an opportunity to “train the trainers”. The host selects the “trainer” and LWOW will work with the host to elevate the event, providing our tested framework and guidance on delivery and content to ensure an educational and impactful evening of training and networking. 


  • Gain and/ or create deeper understanding of the global legal marketplace and how innovation is impacting the work, expectations, and  careers of legal professionals.

  • Learn knowledge and skills that can be leveraged to create value and meaningful change at work.

  • Network and exchange with our community of multi-disciplinary inter-generational change agents


An entity volunteers to host a LWOW PopUp and finds a seasoned experienced LWOW Thought Leader who can facilitate an interactive session related to creative, collaborative problem solving at the intersection of innovation, technology, and law (LWOW can also help lead the session). The session can include a case-study with discussion or an exercise in teaming or collaboration or problem solving. Each PopUp will vary but the main goals are to build networks and accelerate the community’s knowledge and/or skills on how to lead or leverage change in the legal ecosystem. In past PopUps, Thought Leaders from The LEGO Group led a creativity exercise; we have also had facilitators lead teaming/community collaboration exercises. After the interactive session, the PopUp will conclude with a cocktail celebration.

Invitees are a mix of newcomers who want a taste of LWOW and local LWOW alumni/evangelists who want a LWOW refresher and to spread the LWOW fire to help induct new members and sponsors into the LWOW community. The LWOW host also invites a VIP list to the LWOW PopUp. Past PopUps have hosted around 50-75 guests.


PopUps will be free to invite-attendees and the costs of space, light appetizers and cocktails will be borne by the PopUp host. Spaces can include the lobby of an entity’s offices, lounge areas, dining halls.


A PopUp event is usually a couple hours in early evening. We prefer to hold the event either in the fall or late winter prior to a spring Sprint. Format varies depending on host preferences (e.g., LWOW can be involved lesser or more as the host requires). A sample PopUp might look like below (again, the noted times and format are FLEXIBLE):

  • 7:00pm-7:15pm: Check in

  • 7:15pm-7:25pm: Welcome and Introductions

  • 7:25pm-8:10pm: Content

  • 8:10pm-9:00pm: Cocktails


LWOW will provide LWOW PopUp sponsorship and acknowledgement online, in social media and through press invitations. We also like to provide thoughtful, useful swag to guests (all the better if incorporated in an exercise). LWOW works with the PopUp host to formulate invitations, swag, and press.

Interested sponsors/hosts please email anita@lwow.org.