Projects of Worth are team-created innovations to problems at the intersection of law, business and technology, legal practice or education. The real value, the “WORTH” in the Project of Worth is the journey to get there. It’s the change that happens in thinking, behavior, connection, collaboration, and in community exchange during the LWOW Sprint.

2024 Projects of Worth


Sponsored by Baker McKenzie and UBS

Topic Challenge: Wading through Treacle: How can we craft a streamlined and client-focused review process for technology projects for our internal clients?

JoinApp is an online collaboration platform that connects the Legal Function with UBS Project Managers during the ideation phase so that risk levels can be triaged early on enabling Legal to "green light" low risk projects quickly and focus on the high-risk projects. With JoinApp, the Legal Function and Project Managers Start Strong Together as ONE team— increasing the speed of delivery and minimizing cost and frustration. JoinApp: Start Strong Together.

Click here to watch the final presentation.

All Ears

Sponsored by Dentons and Walt Disney

Topic Challenge: Filling the Leadership Gap: How can we incentivize and empower in-house leaders to further develop their leadership style so that they foster a common culture of community, growth, and engagement that aligns with the Disney spirit and Disney LGA’s cultural pillars?

"All Ears" is a feedback tool that encourages and enables Disney's global legal team and its colleagues to share their ideas and opinions on projects and processes (anonymously) ensuring that everyone's voice is instrumental in shaping Disney's magical story. All Ears: Where Your Voice Shapes Our Magic.

Click here to watch the final presentation (available with password only).


Sponsored by Dentons and DXC

Topic Challenge: Digitizing Dispute Detection: How might we better identify and classify commercial disputes at their inception so that our small team can add value more efficiently and effectively to prevent financial risks and improve customer loyalty at the same time?

RevelIO is a platform for DXC's legal and business development professionals that uses data-driven predictive analytics to analyze risks and project profits of new proposals to foster collaboration among key stakeholders and preempt future disputes. RevellO: See the Risk, Seize the Reward.

Click here to watch the final presentation.

Disney Magic Academy

Sponsored by Dentons and Walt Disney

Topic Challenge: Creating Community Across the Globe: How can we help international colleagues in an in-house legal department feel included and connected to Disney’s LGA department in order to positively contribute to Disney LGA’s culture transformation ?

Disney's Magic Academy is an in-person leadership externship program that brings together Disney's international lawyers (at various times over the course of a year) to share regional experiences, foster collaboration, enhance leadership style, and learn how to become agents of change. By promoting a two-way flow of ideas and information and participating in leadership learning together, Disney lawyers can create a stronger, more connected global legal community culture that can together better navigate industry complexities in an evolving media landscape. Disney's Magic Academy: To Infinity & Beyond!

Click here to watch the final presentation (available with password only).


Sponsored by DLA Piper and NatWest

Topic Challenge: How to Train Your Dragon: How do law firms and in-house lawyers learn to use AI tools effectively to deliver client centricity?

TAIlored is a generative AI development tool for junior lawyers to help bridge the skills gap in commercial banking contract negotiations. TAIlored uses gamified challenges and adapted learning to ensure that junior lawyers obtain the experience and competency to efficiently perform the role of a more senior lawyer—earlier in their career—so that a robust pipeline of skilled legal professionals capable of handling tasks vital for commercial contracts exists within the bank's legal department. TAIlored: the AI Solution to an AI Problem.

Click here to watch the final presentation.

Deal Optimization Coach (DOC)

Sponsored by EY Law and Hg

Topic Challenge: Cruise Control: How can legal functions empower their business partners to become more self-sufficient (in areas where legal risk is minimal for the company)?

DOC (Deal Optimization Coach) is an AI-powered tool that quickly assigns a low-medium-high risk rating to uploaded contracts from sales teams, streamlining deployment of legal services to the risks that matter, enabling deals to be negotiated and closed more efficiently and maximizing returns—a win-win for both legal and business. DOC: A Dose of DOC Makes the Deal Unlock!

Click here to watch the final presentation (available with password only).


Sponsored by EY Law and Hg

Topic Challenge: Legal Eagles: How can Hg and its portfolio companies help each other scale their legal functions most efficiently to meet the needs of rapidly growing businesses?

EngageXchange is a secure GenAI-enabled platform for in-house teams to quickly access Hg-vetted employment specialists and/or advice across jurisdictions. Leveraging existing in-house legal expertise and resources across the entire Hg portfolio, EngageXchange enables Hg best practice employment advice and resources from various jurisdictions to be shared with local in-house legal teams and business units across the globe, saving time and money on duplicative work and increasing consistency and efficacy of employment-related transactions and operations. EngageXchange: Engaging the Power of The Portfolio with Cross-Portfolio Xchange.

Click here to watch the final presentation (available with password only).


Sponsored by HSBC

Topic Challenge: Have it Your Way at HSBC: How can we provide our SME customers easy-to-understand answers to questions about the terms of their HSBC products when, and how, they want them?

Northstar is an AI-supported HSBC banking platform plug-in that allows its small business clients to extract answers to their questions from within dense, complicated, and lengthy Terms & Conditions agreements without the help of an HSBC relationship manager. Northstar thereby saves time and money for both SMEs and HSBC. With Northstar, SME owners can more confidently focus resources on business operations and HSBC relationship managers can focus on more complex matters for SMEs and other clients. Northstar: Find Information Fast.

Click here to watch the final presentation.


Sponsored by iManage

Topic Challenge: Moving Fast and Breaking Things: How can professional services organisations, such as law firms, accounting firms and technology companies, both leverage and be a shining example of best practice in their use of AI tools to help and advise clients?

GAiME is an interactive bot that eliminates bias in AI-Bot interviews so that entry-level interviewees are given a fair shot—and professional service providers can hire with confidence in the results. GAiME helps candidates prepare for and excel at bot interviews by providing bespoke personalized interview prep along with practice interviews that include personalized, iterative, real-time feedback tailored to the candidates' level and preferred professionals services' sector. GAiME helps the candidates succeed in AI-bot generated interviews while ensuring transparency, fairness, and bias-free results for hiring professional service providers. GAiME: The Way to Play to Win.

Click here to watch the final presentation.


Sponsored by Lloyds Banking Group

Topic Challenge: Arising Horizon: How can we efficiently horizon scan to provide more targeted, actionable and risk-appropriate regulatory information for the in-house legal team and business at large?

BRISK is a horizon scanning tool which efficiently aggregates and organizes the horizon scanning reports provided by LBG's law firms into a readable template so that junior lawyers can make targeted assessments with ease and precision and provide more timely, targeted, and actionable insights to the business. BRISK: Fetch it, Filter it, Funnel it for Faster Fail-Safe.

Click here to watch the final presentation.


Sponsored by Perkins Coie and Microsoft

Topic Challenge: Back to the Future: How will law firms train their associates in a world where tasks that junior attorneys used to carry out (e.g., first drafts), which were a key part of their training and learning path as a lawyer (learning by doing), will now be done by AI tools?

Feenx is a dynamic AI based scalable learning platform tailored for law firms, designed to accelerate the strategic expertise of junior lawyers. In an era where AI can handle routine tasks, Feenx trains lawyers on these tasks and how to use AI to do them more efficiently. Moreover, Feenx empowers junior lawyers with the tools and insights to enhance their value, ensuring that human-centric legal wisdom thrives and remains the cornerstone of best practice client service. Feenx: Growth Accelerated!

Click here to watch the final presentation.

Humanity Link

Sponsored by Pinsent Masons and Haleon

Topic Challenge: Sights on Rights: How can we ensure all the players in our supply chain around the globe protect/safeguard human rights at all stages of the supply chain, from sourcing raw materials to manufacturing and distribution?

Humanity Link is an online platform wherein manufacturers rate and certify their Tier 1 suppliers based on the ethical and humanitarian standards the Tier 1 suppliers uphold themselves and across their own supply chain. The certification process and ratings facilitates transparency and incentivizes improvement in Tier 1 supplier practices and also ethical sourcing all the way down the supply chain. Humanity Link: Illuminating Supply Chains for Change.

Click here to watch the final presentation.

Core AI

Sponsored by TLT and NatWest

Topic Challenge: Open (to) AI: How can we help lawyers embrace experimentation with GenAI?

Core AI is a low cost gamified resource and consultancy to help in-house legal teams experiment playfully and safely with generative AI, so that they can build their confidence in using AI and see for themselves the real-life GenAI use cases for their own work. CoreAI, rooted in a lawyer's love of competition, creatively opens in-house lawyers' minds to the benefits of AI so that new legal AI tools can be introduced and adopted with ease. Core AI: Experimentation at its Core.

Click here to watch the final presentation.


Sponsored by White & Case and friends

Topic Challenge: Compliance Alliance: How can White & Case best assist in-house legal teams to manage compliance with local, legal requirements everywhere?

Krysalys is an AI-driven digital search tool for EU-based in-house legal teams to connect with inhouse and outside counsel working on similar product compliance projects for the company in different jurisdictions in the EU. By leveraging existing compliance progress and know-how on one cohesive platform, the legal teams avoid duplicative work and enhance operational efficiency. Krysalys: Faster, better, cheaper compliance.

Click here to watch the final presentation.


Sponsored by White & Case and Meta

Topic Challenge: Small Team Big Dreams: How can a small legal ops team with limited resources efficiently and effectively support a large and diverse group of internal clients?

NAVi is a machine learning, self-service, gamified navigator on Meta's platform that helps in-house counsel make more informed and cost-efficient outsourcing decisions by guiding in-house legal through existing internal processes, resources, and financial ramifications. NAVi not only enhances efficiency and cost-discipline for the in-house legal and legal ops teams but improves know-how, consistency, and leverage for future outsourcing negotiations by in-house legal. NAVi: Navigate Your In-House Outsourcing Journey

Click here to watch the final presentation.

2023 Projects of Worth


Sponsored by CMS

Topic Challenge: Intelligent Intel: How might our large, multi-office Real Estate Practice Group improve knowledge sharing about client deals to enhance lawyers’ performance and client satisfaction?

Where You Can “C” Your Deals: C-Deal is a digital dashboard that pulls and extracts transaction data from existing document tools, and displays a clear visualization of transactions and analytics in an accessible, user-friendly interface so that lawyers and other stakeholders can efficiently access and digest market trends, transaction overviews and insights relating to deals.

Click here to watch the final presentation.


Sponsored by Dentons + NatWest

Topic Challenge: If the Ritz Provided Legal Services: How can the in-house technology legal team at NatWest provide a best in-class customer experience to their internal stakeholders?

Breaking Barriers to Empower Growth: Apex is a microsite within the bank’s existing online platform that consolidates and summarizes information on thought leadership topics so that the technology legal team can provide this information in a consumable way to technology partners, clients and stakeholders, adding value and improving customer service to delight and surprise them.

Click here to watch the final presentation.


Sponsored by Dentons NextLaw In-House Solutions + Whirlpool

Topic Challenge: Sort and Sieve for Success: How can we combine legal, technical, and business data to effectively and efficiently sort, sieve and manage the high volume of consumer’s claims to strengthen trust between Whirlpool and its consumers?

Get Claims Resolved Faster: Claim On is a generative AI-enabled, claim resolution platform with a downloadable app that enables Whirlpool to make the consumer claim settlement process fast, simple, and cost effective by allowing customers to submit qualitative data and giving them a choice on the settlement and review process, making for a better claim experience and happier consumers.

Click here to watch the final presentation.


Sponsored by DLA Piper + Lloyds Banking Group

Topic Challenge: Legal Pain to Business Gain: How can finance professionals engage with the ESG landscape to drive positive social change and opportunities for business gain at the same time?

Don't Be a Villain, Be a Hero: Hero is an IA and data driven software tool that pulls from existing bank datasets to analyze prospective customers and connects those customers to accessible green finance to fund initiatives striving for positive climate impact, allowing banks to spot opportunities faster and to deliver green financing more efficiently.

Click here to watch the final presentation.

Inside Hero

Sponsored by DLA Piper + NatWest

Topic Challenge: To AFA and Beyond: How might we create alternative fee structures that transform the relationship between law firm and client beyond just the transactional?

You Can't Read Your Client's Mind. We Can: Inside Hero is a machine learning software tool for large law firms that works continuously to gather and analyze data so that lawyers can provide hyper-personalized service to their clients because of easy access to relevant data points that flags clients’ strategic priorities and values, allowing firms to "read their client's minds."

Click here to watch the final presentation.

HSBC Helps

Sponsored by HSBC

Topic Challenge: Hey, How Can I Help?: How can the legal department provide action oriented social responsibility opportunities to lawyers so that they can enhance the S in ESG at HSBC?

Meaningful Help is More than Soup: HSBC Helps is the platform that spots and matches legal needs in local communities for HSBC lawyers and then tracks results so that HSBC lawyers can provide impactful legal assistance, in discrete allocations of time, to open a world of opportunities for those in HSBC’s local communities in need of legal aid.

Click here to watch the final presentation.


Sponsored by iManage

Topic Challenge: Icing Isolation: How can organizations upskill and engage its Gen Z employees in a post-pandemic, hybrid workplace?

Be At The Office…Without Being At The Office: Loopa is a virtual office experience for Gen Z entering hybrid workplaces that allows young professionals to access instant and frequent feedback, mentorship opportunities, and engage in the types of organic conversations that strengthens bonds, encourages the exchange of knowledge, and facilitates professional development to combat a culture of disconnection.

Click here to watch the final presentation.


Sponsored by iManage

Topic Challenge: Knowledge Work For Good: How can knowledge sharing transform not only organizations, but societies, communities, and the world?

"Asking For A Friend": Bestie is a trainee’s virtual desktop companion that uses AI chatbot capabilities to instantly provide resources, information, answers and the direction that new hires need so that they can work competently and confidently when they are “asking for a friend.”

Click here to watch the final presentation.


Sponsored by KPMG Law

Topic Challenge: Rise & Shine: How can teams create a more inclusive and supportive culture so that people from diverse backgrounds can thrive?

Making Diversity Sustainable in Law Firms: InclusIF is an inclusion (vs diversity) assessment and learning tool built off Web 2.0 that measures the impact of firms’ inclusivity environment and initiatives to help them improve their understanding of efforts to retain diverse employees so that they feel welcomed, valued and comfortable in bringing their true selves to work, because diverse teams outperform non-diverse teams and deliver against client expectations.

Click here to watch the final presentation.


Sponsored by Pinsent Masons + HSBC

Topic Challenge: Strategic AI: How can a legal team leverage OpenAI/ChatGPT to do more with less so it can focus on being a strategic partner to the business?

Comply with Confidence: Krikit is the data-driven, AI-based compliance companion that provides on-demand legal guidance so that sales managers at big banks working on structured product transactions can close deals faster, because of timely, reliable, easy to access lawyer-free advice.

Click here to watch the final presentation.


Sponsored by Simmons & Simmons + Haleon

Topic Challenge: Valuing the Invaluable: How can a legal function articulate and quantify their value to the business to be set for the future, and to inspire further investment in the function that will enable time, resource and opportunity to innovate?

Intelligent. Efficient. Fast: MarketEase is a platform powered by machine learning that analyzes up-to-date legal, medical, and regulatory data and evidence. It provides marketing teams with one-stop shop approval or feedback on marketing claims and campaigns, reducing costs, improving efficiency, and accelerating speed to market.

Click here to watch the final presentation.

XB Lightning

Sponsored by Simmons & Simmons + UBS

Topic Challenge: Aye Aye AI: How might UBS lawyers implement AI based technologies to improve interactions with their internal business customers in a way that overcomes barriers related to tech, quality, and risk management?

Lightning-Fast Answers for Unstoppable Success: XB Lightning is the AI-powered chatbot that delivers fast, reliable and understandable answers to the UBS global sales team, answering cross-border questions in real time and enabling security, confidence and efficiency in business decisions because of clear and quick answers to otherwise hard to decipher cross-border regulatory questions.

Click here to watch the final presentation.


Sponsored by Simmons & Simmons + Barclays

Topic Challenge: Excellent Excellence: How can the legal function provide consistent excellent service in how it identifies, communicates, and manages legal and regulatory obligations and risks for the business?

Clear Advice is the Key to Excellence: CAKE is an online portal that quickly and easily prompts in-house lawyers to generate consistent instructions to external counsel on delivery and format of advice, solving the issue of missed expectations on the part of both stakeholders and improving efficiency and transforming the relationship.

Click here to watch the final presentation.


Sponsored by White & Case + Novartis

Topic Challenge: Automation & Big Data for Big Change: How can a multinational company utilize technology to ensure its legal functions are efficient, effective and accessible?

Linking You With Legal Solutions: LISA is an enterprise integrated app that allows employees of large multinational organizations to easily connect with the right internal legal support, eliminating inefficiencies in issue resolutions and human resource allocations, because quicker and better delivery of aligned legal services is key to effective decisions and performance.

Click here to watch the final presentation.

2022 Projects of Worth

LWOW Sprint


Sponsored by Dentons + NextLaw In-House Solutions

Topic Challenge: Bridging the Gaps: How can we use external and internal data to map business legal needs, risks and opportunities to enhance efficiency, drive value and provide outstanding customer experience for the global organization?

Building a Clear Narrative: Clarative is a user-friendly AI-enabled app that translates employment litigation solicitors’ time recordings and packages them up into clear and consistent billing narratives, so that in-house counsel can utilize external and internal resources more efficiently and effectively.

Click here to watch the final presentation.


Sponsored by McGuireWoods

Topic Challenge: Accessing Sustainable Finance: How can lenders (like Standard Chartered) digitise its customers’ supply chain information to achieve transparency about their sustainability credentials and verify sustainable finance criteria?

Trace your Roots: ClariTree is a simple software platform for manufacturers and suppliers to collect ESG-relative data (in all formats) to ensure that ESG data can be reliably accessed for real time, objective sustainable lending decisions that advances Standard Chartered’s goal of becoming the world’s most sustainable and responsible bank.

Click here to watch the final presentation.


Sponsored by Pinsent Masons

Topic Challenge: To Sustainability and Beyond: How can a legal team of a major consumer goods business accelerate the sustainability of their external service providers or suppliers?

Bridging the Sustainability Gap Together: CO2Mundo is a collective initiative for Big Brands and growers to connect and share data within a network partnership which aims to deliver an accessible, credible and transparent process for measuring carbon emissions enabling sustainable social impact.

Click here to watch the final presentation.


Sponsored by White & Case

Topic Challenge: Twice as Nice: How can law firms improve knowledge sharing among trainee lawyers so that past successes, learnings, and insights further (or enhance) future trainees’ performance and training?

Pin, Visualize, Transfer: DealMap is an interactive timeline that provides a one-stop shop platform for key client information stored in disparate locations, helping trainees and associates bridge knowledge gaps and mitigate risks associated with the handover process.

Click here to watch the final presentation.


Sponsored by iManage

Topic Challenge: Heading Off Hoarding: How do we prevent knowledge hoarding so that data and information can be collected, analyzed, and shared to enhance services and create value?

Everyone Needs . . A Double You: DoubleU is a technology-backed process to capture and share the soft knowledge lawyers hoard in their heads about their clients' preferred ways of working, so that clients are handled in such a manner by any lawyer on the team.

Click here to watch the final presentation.

GSK Pharm AssisTENT

Sponsored by Morae Global & GlaxoSmithKline

Topic Challenge: Paving the Path Forward: How can GSK help refugee women and children more easily access health care relief (food, shelter, and consumer products) after they cross international borders?

Empowering Ukrainian Refugees In Self-Care: GSK Pharm AssisTENT provides free healthcare products at local pharmacies, so that Ukrainian refugees can obtain essentials they need, because starting over requires good health.

Click here to watch the final presentation.


Sponsored by Novartis

Topic Challenge: Open Sesame: How can we use an open legal approach to simplify the clinical trial creation, negotiation and approval process across multiple vendors, suppliers, and distributors to bring medical solutions to patients faster while still protecting stakeholders’ various interests?

Efficiency, Confidence, Trust: HEURIS is an integrated, user-friendly digital platform that gives Clinical Trial Contract Managers the information needed to create Clinical Trial Agreements correctly in the first draft, through real-time analysis of study site contract demands, workflow tracking, and automated contract generation. Heuris accelerates speed to contract between the , reduces the impact of delays on the drug approval process, and benefits both the pharmaceutical company and the study-site (which defines the various conditions of the clinical trial) reducing the impact of delays on the drug approval process and saving lives.

Click here to watch the final presentation.


Sponsored by Simmons & Simmons & UBS

Topic Challenge: Coordinator, Collaborator, Culture Creator: How might legal departments best adapt to and support agile, cross-border, and complex work in a fast-paced, digitalized world?

Unlock Legal, Unlock Borders, Unlock Talent: HUBS is the at-your-fingertips global skills finding solution that matches people to projects, empowering the UBS in-house Legal Team to quickly assemble the best team to meet urgent legal needs.

Click here to watch the final presentation.


Sponsored by iManage

Topic Challenge: From Dowdy to Chic on a Dime: How can we transform the work of legal departments so that it is more exciting, enticing, and rewarding without providing financial incentives?

The Creative Lens To Law: Kaleidoscope is an end-to-end legal scoping tool to unlock new revenue streams and collaboration opportunities, injecting that creative spark that the clients and lawyers today are craving.

Click here to watch the final presentation.


Sponsored by Simmons & Simmons &

Topic Challenge: From “Meh” to “Yeah!”: How can we engage and encourage our teams, our colleagues and ourselves to take advantage of opportunities for development, pursue positive connections, and embrace joy in a high-pressure, mid/post-pandemic hectic working world?

The Own-It Method: Own-It is a method for making the corporate value of “Own-It” come to life for the Corporate & Commercial Legal team at, by addressing the three factors that are holding people back, because when the lawyers don’t speak up, the business is at risk.

Click here to watch the final presentation.


Sponsored by Simmons & Simmons & Goldman Sachs

Topic Challenge: More for Measure: When innovating to manage increasing workloads against a backdrop of risk appetite, increased cost, and globalization, how might we capture and articulate legal’s value add in the process?

When The Invisible Becomes Visible, The Market Is Protected And Risks Are Mitigated: SOLA is an online instruction tool for in-house legal teams, the businesses they support, and the banks who employ them to enable individual teams and collective departments to spot solutions and manage resources by capturing relevant metrics to sustain innovation and enhance the bank’s revenue growth.

Click here to watch the final presentation.


Sponsored by White & Case

Topic Challenge: Client Centric Collaboration: How can we enhance lawyers' technological skills so that they are better partners and collaborators with their clients?

Legal Tech Activists: Techtivist is a peer learning solution that empowers passionate associates to effectively champion technology projects by incentivizing lawyers to share positive experiences with legal technology and tools.

Click here to watch the final presentation.

2021 Projects of Worth

LWOW Sprint X Inc.

Better Boss

Sponsored by Pinsent Masons

Topic Challenge: Managing the Hide & Seek of a Virtual World: How can lawyers find opportunities to be better managers online?

Your Efforts Appreciated: Better Boss is a tool that helps law firm partners be better managers in a virtual and non-virtual world, by ensuring the types of rewards and interaction they provide to their associates are organic, personal, impactful and motivating.

Click here to watch the final presentation. Click here to the original Ignite presentation after the four week Sprint.


Sponsored by MOVELAW

Topic Challenge: Mental Floss: How can we destigmatize mental health issues in the legal profession?

Destigmatising Mental Health Issues in the Legal Workplace: DeStigo is a mobile app which creates awareness of lawyers’ cognitive bias against mental issues via an assessment quiz, which when taken, contributes to the understanding that stigmatisation of mental health exists.

Click here to watch the final presentation. Click here to watch the original Ignite presentation after the four week Sprint.


Sponsored by iManage

Topic Challenge: Law by Design: How might digital channels and design thinking be leveraged to improve access to existing legal advice for the people who need it the most?

Information.Integration.Immigration: Envisage is a platform that provides individualized digital playbooks to help international students and graduates manage the entire visa application process by generating personalized checklists, estimated timelines, an in-app community and bespoke consultation.

Click here to watch the final presentation. Click here to watch the original Ignite presentation after the four week Sprint.


Sponsored by HSBC

Topic Challenge: "Follow Your Conscience": How can in-house legal teams ensure the ethical use of AI and Big Data?

Ethics in Design: EthiQuery is a software solution that helps businesses integrate, train, and track ethical analysis at the process level throughout their AI development cycle, from conceptualization through commercialization.

Click here to watch the final presentation. Click here to watch the original Ignite presentation after the four week Sprint.


Sponsored by LATAM

Topic Challenge: Personal Protection: How can the legal profession protect against domestic violence and abuse during the pandemic?

Recognise the Signs: EVA is an online questionnaire tool to educate young women on the early signs of domestic abuse, prior to any violence, by exposing and validating the early signs of abuse, and encouraging action to seek help and professional support.

Click here to watch the final presentation. Click here to watch the original Ignite presentation after the four week Sprint.


Sponsored by Paul Hastings

Topic Challenge: Multidisciplinary Approach that Matters: How can law firms capture and share information about law firm matters with their internal multidisciplinary professional service providers so that they can add value that matters?

Leveraging the Legacy of Legal: Legalcy is a knowledge management platform that helps law firms capture, retain, access, and share complete, accurate and detailed on-going matter information to help the law firms win more RFPs and new business.

Click here to watch the final presentation. Click here to watch the original Ignite presentation after the four week Sprint.

Legal Spot

Sponsored by Spotify

Topic Challenge: Legal Eye in the Sky: How can Legal foresee new opportunities to drive revenue for Spotify?

Ideas Faster to Market: Legal Spot is a 3-step online questionnaire which evaluates the nature of legal advice by collecting a simple set of metadata through online forms to determine how the inquiry is categorized.

Click here to watch the final presentation. Click here to watch the original Ignite presentation after the four week Sprint.


Sponsored by Spotify

Topic Challenge: A Roadmap to Roads Less Travelled: How can Legal leverage learnings to operationalize, measure, and enhance efficient expansion into new geographical markets?

Bringing Your Data to the Light: Lighthouse is a search engine extension for Spotify’s legal teams, which synthesizes data by extracting contract information housed in DocuSign CLM to make current and historical contract information discovery faster, simpler, and easier to digest to enhance new contracting speed to market for internal business clients.

Click here to watch the final presentation. Click here to watch the original Ignite presentation after the four week Sprint.


Sponsored by Best Care/Sabal

Topic Challenge: Somewhere Over the Rainbow: How might litigation funding help severely injured people get the home health care they need without having to give up the farm?

The Care You Need…Care Free: Litigaide is a socially-driven home healthcare funding company which helps injured people find, receive, and pay for the in-home medical assistance they need whilst their cases are being litigated.

Click here to watch the final presentation. Click here to watch the original Ignite presentation after the four week Sprint.


Sponsored by Pinsent Masons

Topic Challenge: Breakfast of Champions: How might clients and law firms collaborate around their organization's common purpose so that people are energized and businesses thrive?

Loop-On: an add-on tool that can be integrated with a firm's existing human resources and client management software to manage client relationships, communications, and employee expectations to bridge the gaps between women, firms and clients, when women go on maternity leave.

Click here to watch the final presentation. Click here to watch the original Ignite presentation after the four week Sprint.

MariTime Track

Sponsored by Eversheds Sutherland

Topic Challenge: Steering Clear of the Iceberg in Global Marine/Energy Deal-making: How can the global business community jointly overcome the costly, tumultuous, and often deal-breaking "battle of the forms" when negotiating cybersecurity and privacy contract provisions in cross-border contracting?

Contracting RelationSHIPS: MariTime Track is a legal management tool designed to monitor and record the progress of maritime supply contract negotiation; reminding parties of the most neglected parts of the dealmaking process, with all steps immutably recorded by private blockchain.

Click here to watch the final presentation. Click here to watch the original Ignite presentation after the four week Sprint.


Sponsored by iManage

Topic Challenge: Sharing is Caring: How might we establish a culture of knowledge sharing among legal professionals that mirror different generations' expectations of collaboration and technology?

It's Time for Your Firm to Motivise: Motivise is a technology solution designed to motivate lawyers within law firms to share structured data and implicit know-how through gamification.

Click here to watch the final presentation. Click here to watch the original Ignite presentation after the four week Sprint.


Sponsored by HSBC

Topic Challenge: Knock Knock, Who's There?: How can in-house legal departments more efficiently manage the front door to legal so that the right work is triaged in the right way?

Recurring Question Reply: RQR is an AI-enabled chatbot for retail bank employees that finds answers to routine questions that retail customers have, so that clients can get answers faster and lawyers can spend their time on work that adds value to their institutions.

Click here to watch the final presentation. Click here to watch the original Ignite presentation after the four week Sprint.


Sponsored by White & Case

Topic Challenge: Future Proofing: How might law firm leaders better leverage and maximize the diversity of our professionals to revolutionize our business?

Diversity by Design: a work allocation tool that prevents unconscious bias in work allocation by matching skills, experience, and interests of associates to client matters based on client and firm expertise and diversity goals

Click here to watch the final presentation. Click here to watch the original Ignite presentation after the four week Sprint.


Sponsored by UnitedLex

Topic Challenge: Practicing What We Preach: How can Legal ensure that the right digital transformation tools are selected, adopted, assessed, and integrated in a way that drives value?

Translating Law into Technology: T-COG is an online go-between platform for lawyers and IT to help translate legal needs into the right tech, by letting users plan, perform and perfect the selection, adaptation and implementation of a new digital tech tool within in-house legal departments.

Click here to watch the final presentation. Click here to watch the original Ignite presentation after the four week Sprint.


Sponsored by White & Case

Topic Challenge: Measuring for Success: How can law firms collaborate with clients to identify and maximize the value of their relationships with external legal and professional service advisors?

A Path to Value: Valoro is an unique software platform for law firms that helps keep track of the delivery of value-added services promised by law firms during the RFP process, and ensures law firms always keep and deliver on the promises made to clients.

Click here to watch the final presentation. Click here to watch the original Ignite presentation after the four week Sprint.

2020 Projects of Worth


In 2020 LWOW Xed, all topics were sponsored by Jim Ferraro of the Ferraro Law Firm


Topic Challenge: Accessing Accessibility in the Innovation in Law: How can we make the law marketplace (including communities of change agents) more inclusive and more accessible to people with disabilities?

Healthcare Funding Assessments made simple. Are you a caregiver seeking government funding for your loved one with dementia and feeling overwhelmed? CogniSwift is a web based tool that simplifies an otherwise expensive, complicated process so that you can care for all of your loved ones and regain balance in your life.

Click here to watch the final presentation.

Co-op Esports Foundation

Topic Challenge: Unpriming the E-Sports Pipeline: How can we ensure that e-sports are more inclusive and enable more diverse players?

Safe space. Safe place. Safe gaming. For female esports players who dream of becoming professional gamers, the Co-op Esports Foundation creates and maintains a safe-space to pursue their dreams. By devising a toolbox of resources which promote diversity and inclusion in esports, we offer support to players who experience gender hostility and other forms of harassment. The Co-op Esports Foundation will solve the industry’s gender pipeline problem and shape the future of the industry through establishing best practice techniques.

Click here to watch the final presentation.


Topic Challenge: Making Carbon Neutrality a Reality: How can a law firm develop processes to reduce their carbon footprint and environmental impact?

Saving the planet, one piece of paper at a time. EcoeEquire is a freemium tool designed for senior lawyers to help them track and offset their printing and paper usage. The tool helps lawyers approximate their paper usage and translates their environmental impact into metrics they can actually understand. They can then use EcoEsquire to offset their emissions in whatever way speaks to them the most.

Click here to watch the final presentation.


Topic Challenge: Seniors and Scams: How can machine learning or other technology be used to protect the elderly in the age of the machine?

Helping our elders to save their savings. Concerned that the senior citizens you know and love are being scammed out of their life savings by imposters? ElderProtech is a fintech startup specializing in safeguarding senior citizens’ life savings using machine learning to interface with wire transfer transactions at banks. By automatically detecting scams, alerting banks and seniors of suspicious transaction details, and preventing funds from leaving the seniors' accounts, ElderProtech works to help you to "save their savings!"

Click here to watch the final presentation.


Topic Challenge: Innocent but Forever Guilty on Google: How can we help people who were charged with a crime and subsequently cleared or acquitted combat Google search results that continue to depict them as criminals?

Unmasking the threat of facial recognition technology. FaseIt is a platform to educate and empower those vulnerable to the inaccurate application of Facial Recognition Technology (FRT). FRT attempts to identify or verify a person from a digital image or a video frame by comparing selected facial features from a set of images within a data base. The current methods used show a bias in the technology slated against people of color. We are committed to informing and empowering those affected through education, referrals to legal resources, and our own diverse data set.

Click here to watch the final presentation.


Topic Challenge: Making Carbon Neutrality a Reality: How can a law firm develop processes to reduce their carbon footprint and environmental impact?

Lawyers at the intersection of sustainability and profitability. What if we told you that sustainability and profitability could both be at the forefront of your business model? Greenable is a tool that helps law firms reduce their carbon emissions by measuring the carbon output of lawyers and their teams, engaging them to hit reduced carbon targets, and rewarding those teams that meet their targets with the ability to work on socially beneficial projects.

Click here to watch the final presentation.


Topic Challenge: Duties to Donors: How can law-related non-profits track and share their use of donated funds to show donors’ tangible impact without stifling the nonprofits’ ability to fund operations?

Transparent Donations Made Simple. HonestFunds is a tool that allows the donor to choose the specific allocation of their donated funds. It also helps keep track of those funds so that the donor can know the real impact of the donation, which allows donors to stay engaged with the donation and encourages future donations! Nonprofits now have a way to display their projects and expenses in a transparent and easy manner.

Click here to watch the final presentation.

Just Donate

Topic Challenge: Duties to Donors: How can law-related non-profits track and share their use of donated funds to show donors’ tangible impact without stifling the nonprofits’ ability to fund operations?

Making a world of difference. Just Donate provides a simple, social and powerful platform for legal non-profits to present their impact and finances. This allows legal non-profits to access more donations from private individuals while giving donors the transparency they deserve. Just Donate is making a world of difference to those who want to make a difference in the world.

Click here to watch the final presentation.


Topic Challenge: Accessing Accessibility in the Innovation in Law: How can we make the law marketplace (including communities of change agents) more inclusive and more accessible to people with disabilities?

The intelligent inclusion platform. Helping visually impaired law students LEAP into their future legal career! LEAP is an intelligent inclusion web based platform that allows leverages expert research, data driven market insights and user feedback to increase transparency and accessibility to the legal marketplace. By engaging with LEAP, legal organizations of all types can increase the value and output of their Diversity and Inclusion programs, and assists law students with career development removing the clutter between the classroom and opportunity.

Click here to watch the final presentation.


Topic Challenge: Lessons Learned or Lessons Lost for Law School Graduates: How do we design effective, durable, and shared methods for recent law school graduates to learn from each other’s experiences, apply those lessons today and tomorrow, and not recreate the wheel?

Empowering your future. Imagine an app that matched you with a mentor to guide you, peers with similar interests to motivate you, and that provided you with tools to enhance your resume and prepare for interviews, all with the objective of helping you plan your future. You don’t have to wish or imagine anymore, join us in the journey to empower your future with Oraculi.

Click here to watch the final presentation.


Topic Challenge: Lonely Isle: How can we expand legal literacy for isolated communities within populated nations, such as the LGBTQ+ community?

Your Education. Your Choice. OurSpace provides transgender youth and their parents with a quick and easy method of finding trans-friendly schools. OurSpace positions itself as a space for both discussion and reviews, and connects its users with the educational professionals and services they may need.

Click here to watch the final presentation.

Project Innocent

Topic Challenge: Innocent but Forever Guilty on Google: How can we help people who were charged with a crime and subsequently cleared or acquitted combat Google search results that continue to depict them as criminals?

Let Innocent People APPEAR Innocent again! Is a previous criminal charge or mugshot causing you to have an online presence that is inhibiting you from possible employment and causing social embarrassment? Do you think it’s unfair that inaccurate information of your arrest shows up on google search and there is no cheap and fast fix for this? At Innocent we empower you with tools to repair and control your internet reputation – because your innocence is your truth!

Click here to watch the final presentation.


Topic Challenge: Putting the Pro into ProBono: How can entities better prepare attorneys for ProBono assignments?

We handle the pro bono, so you can help the public. Publico reduces the time spent finding the perfect pro bono opportunities. We list the pro bono cases in your area, and using key data points we break these down by the estimated time required, the skills necessary, and the extent of participation that you intend to commit. We connect pro bono clinics with lawyers who are looking to engage with pro bono but are worried about the time commitment.

Click here to watch the final presentation.


Topic Challenge: Lessons Learned or Lessons Lost for Law School Graduates: How do we design effective, durable, and shared methods for recent law school graduates to learn from each other’s experiences, apply those lessons today and tomorrow, and not recreate the wheel?

The skills you didn’t know you needed. Scele is a web and app based learning platform for law students searching for their first ‘Big Law’ job. Scele will help law students to raise their EQ and build essential soft skills missing in traditional legal education, such as communication and interpersonal skills. This streamlined and easy to use app keeps an overwhelming task easy so students can focus on becoming more confident and prepared before entering into a very competitive market.

Click here to watch the final presentation.


Topic Challenge: Lonely Isle: How can we expand legal literacy for isolated communities within populated nations, such as the LGBTQ+ community?

Your freedom is your right. Theria provides an essential solution for domestic violence victims living in areas where their abuser may preclude them from adequate legal assistance, through the “conflicting out” method. Victims are often declined requests to get legal help regarding domestic violence, frustrating for both the victim and law firm or legal clinic/community center. Theria helps to match victims and legal assistance providers in quick and discrete manner, all within 24 hours!

Click here to watch the final presentation.

United Pro Bono

Topic Challenge: Putting the Pro into ProBono: How can entities better prepare attorneys for ProBono assignments?

Precision Pro Bono Pairing. United Pro Bono is a global service platform for small law firms of 10-25 lawyers that makes pro bono work for lawyers more easily accessible and valuable by providing time estimates, info on level of expertise required, global networks, and skills training. United Pro Bono pairs lawyers and pro bono clients streamlined with the infrastructure and resources of a ‘big firm’. United Pro Bono removes the administrative obstacles that often keep lawyers at smaller firms from taking on fulfilling and meaningful pro bono work!

Click here to watch the final presentation.

2019 Projects of Worth

LWOW Original


Helping you love your food for longer. STU is an app that provides consumers with consistent information on food freshness to combat food waste in the home. STU consists of a food tracker, a sniffer, recipes, guidance, and a community function to ensure users are equipped to change their food behaviours. #LWOW2019

Kim Koelmeyer, Sarah Bartrim, Sarah Brickey, Christel Escriva, Wai Ming, Fiona Robson, Amanda Brino, Helga Kristin Audunsdottir, Liz Reiser-Murphy, Yasmine Sadik, Leah Stevenson

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2018 Projects of Worth

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2017 Projects of Worth

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2016 Projects of Worth

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2015 Projects of Worth

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LWOW X Compliance

2014 Projects of Worth

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2013 Projects of Worth

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2012 Projects of Worth

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2011 Projects of Worth

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